Sunday, 8 September 2013

Chapter 1 - Arratay

Trees. He'd seen a LOT of them on this journey. But nevertheless he enjoyed it. Rhydian enjoyed driving. Well he liked sitting in th vehicle while somebody else drove. Him and his family went out into the countryside on many occasions just for the fun of it. Rhydian's last drive out was about a week ago...No more drives out. He forced himself to think positive. Rhydian kept reminding himself that he was going to like his new life...But he was still going to miss his old one terribly. A girl across the aisle sat next to another girl who she didn't seem to know, but was somehow having a conversation. Well people do that. Social people do that. Rhydian was a very quiet person...Well, at first. He'd be incredibly loud and social with his friends, but when he had to talk to other beings he didn't know that well...He became shy and timid and he'd find himself trying to remain as calm as possible. The girl looked at him. She obviously knew something was wrong because she took off her seatbelt and sat next to him. She put on her new seatbelt and looked at him. "What's wrong?" She asked...She was kind. Rhydian could tell. Just in the way she talked and they way she looke at him with those caring eyes. He knew she was a sweet girl from the minute he'd layed eyes on her. "Nothing" Rhydian responded, trying to cut off the conversation. He wanted to be left alone with his thoughts. "Don't give me that crap. We all had to lose something to get into Cain Academy. Some lost their bedroom's, some lost their home, some lost their families and friends like you..." He looked at her speechless...Rhydian honestly didn't know how to respond "Or you could've just said 'Hi'. It's how people tend to greet each other in this day and age" The girl laughed. Rhydian knew he was being witty. He didn't try very hard though. He got that from his dad. Being wityy. He didn't know it was that funny. Funny enough to make someone laugh? Sometimes people did laugh when Rhydian said something. "I'm Arratay Shadows. You are?" Arratay Shadows said doing her best not to laugh, and succeeding. "Rhydian Saint" He said smiling. Everytime he made a friend (Which wasn't many times) it always seemed to start off quite awkwardly. At least they could talk about it later 'Oh do you remember when we met?' and then they'd probably laugh uncontrolably. (IT'S HERE!!!!!!! FINALLY!!! Sorry there's no spaces for the paragraphs...For some reason it won't put them in. I wrote this chapter with paragraphs and spaces and stuff and when it gets published...THIS!! You have my deepest apologise for that I WILL sort it out, coz it makes me look like a bad writer and it must'nt be nice to read it like that...Sorry again. The ext chapter should be up inbetween three-five days hopefully, and if not that a week at the latest! Okay then, Bye! ;) )

Monday, 12 August 2013


(YAY!!!!!! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! Sorry to keep you all waiting. Enjoy!)

Lena Shaw looked at Rhydian Saint. Then at Evie Yates. Lena and Evie were two of his closest friends. There was Lily Blake, who he'd known since he was five, but she couldn't make it. It was okay. They'd planned something else, something that would make up for not being here. They were in his Living Room, in his house. Oh my Golden God, Rhydian thought to himself, She's going to say something dirty again...And she did.

"Let's go into town, get wasted, and get busy tonight!!!" She said loudly. Damn. His parents didn't hear. Thank God. Evie and Rhydian laughed. "Why you two laughing? I'm being serious, we need to get pissed, and get in bed with sexy people!" Lena said with a seriousness in her voice.

Rhydian and Evie continued to laugh at their odd friend and looked at her.

"No. We're staying here, and drinking Coke, and then you two can go to your own houses, and sleep alone!" Rhydian said, trying to stop laughing, but failing.

"Damn you"

Evie sighed. It wasn't that funny anymore.

"Why do you have to go?" Evie asked.

"I don't have to go. I want to. It's what's best for me." They didn't know he was a Sorcerer. They were mortal. He wanted to tell them. Lily knew. It seemed unfair. He had known Lily all his life, and he met these people months ago. But they were still close.

"Okay have it your way" Lena said "We'll replace you soon enough. We already have our candidates." She grinned

"You can try to replace me. But admit it...You can't replace this level of insanity" said Rhydian. He smiled and the girls just laughed. They were going to tease him probably and agree with him about the insanity thing

* * *
He stood there, waiting for the coach. Rhydian Saint waited for the coach to take him to Raising Cain Academy. His friend Lily Blake stood next to him. They talked and laughed. They were mainly insulted people they didn't like and laughing about it.

"You gonna miss me?" Rhydian asked.

"Nah. Why on Earth would I miss you?" She smiled at him. Rhydian hated the situation he was in. He was going to have to say goodbye to his friends one day. He couldn't watch them grow old and he'd stay long. Rhydian couldn't do that.

Lily was tall, but was an inch smaller than Rhydian. Her hair was dip dyed. It started off as a beautiful chocolate brown at top and changed to a wonderful blonde lower it got. Brown eyes. Kind eyes. Soft and caring. Fair skin. She was a beautiful person.

"You're so going to miss me" He said. He and Lily saw the coach coming. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

"I'm so going to miss you Rhydian" She said in his ear.

"Don't you dare call me Rhydian. I'm Lewis to you, and always will be. I'm so going to miss you too" He said back to her. They parted and the couch was in front of them. A man came out and walked up to them. He took Rhydian's suitcase of him and rucksack and put them underneath the couch.

"Don't forget me" Lily said with a sad smile.

"I'll call you. Don't get rid of me that easily." He smiled back at her. "Goodbye Lily"

"Goodbye Lewis" He walked onto the couch, walked down the aisle and sat next to the window. He saw her and waved. The couch started to move. It was like a small part of him had died. He left home. He left his friends and family. He sat back into his seat and wondered why he wasn't as happy as he thought he would've been...

(Sorry that it's so short! And I know this isn't one of the good chapters, but they will get better I promise! It's just I wanted to say bye to them and get ready to say hi to other people. Hope you liked it all the same (I bet you didn't) the next chapter won't come out until I have a location for the School. I have one in mind. That's all for now...Bye!)

Saturday, 6 July 2013

About A School For Us

If you wanna be in my story (Raising Cain Academy) then leave a comment saying what your name is and discipline. I thought it'd be a good idea to write about this...It'll be interesting. It's not going to be like Harry Potter. (In the sense of that a few teenagers try to save the day) It'll be an ordinary School about not-so ordinary pupils. And if you want to be paired up with an OC tell me. (Like Harralie. Harry & Mara) So that's all for now...Bye! =)

Saturday, 27 April 2013

What Is Raising Cain Academy?

Basically I think there should be a School for Minions of the Golden God, and Skuttlebugs, and Sorcerer's. (If they're out there) And it should be like the Midnight Hotel. (So it could go anywhere in the world!) And I think Mr Derek Landy, should tell someone to build it. And he could be our Headmaster! (I had this idea whilst watching Harry Potter) Leave a comment if you agree with me. I really think that it's a good idea.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Skulduggery Pleasant

Skulduggery Pleasant is an over 400 year old skeleton detective, and he has a darkly talented teenage sidekick called, Stephanie Edgley/Valkyrie Cain. Skulduggery is an Elemental and that means he can influence air, fire, water, and earth. And Valkyrie is an Elemantal as well, but she is also a Necromancer. Necromancy is death and shadow magic, that means she can move shadows and darkness. Skulduggery's best friend, Ghasly Bespoke ia an Elemental, and his head is riggid with scars. Tanith Low used to be Valkyrie's best friend and she's an Adept. She's a lot stronger than she looks.