Saturday 6 July 2013

About A School For Us

If you wanna be in my story (Raising Cain Academy) then leave a comment saying what your name is and discipline. I thought it'd be a good idea to write about this...It'll be interesting. It's not going to be like Harry Potter. (In the sense of that a few teenagers try to save the day) It'll be an ordinary School about not-so ordinary pupils. And if you want to be paired up with an OC tell me. (Like Harralie. Harry & Mara) So that's all for now...Bye! =)


  1. Well, Trip. He used to teach a little, he had motives sure, but he taught all the same. So, as he's over 150, he would teach not learn anyway...

    You already have his profile, so yeah.


  2. Arratay Shadows. ShapeShifter, at your service!

  3. This looks fun :) I'd love for Saph to be a stuent, if that's okay. She's a Sensitive/Elemental, you can make her any age you choose but she looks about fourteen. I'm not shipped with anyone at the moment, but yu can put me in a pairing if you want.

  4. I'd like to join! You kind of know all about alchemy and stuff by this point, and I look EXACTLY like my profile picture :3

    1. Also... I may/may not be a bit too old for school. By about 400 years. BUT if you need, I can pretend to be eighteen or seventeen or an age.

      Otherwise I'd be a kick ass Headmistress or something.

  5. One of the only characters I have who is a teenager is called Dean McLindley. His chosen name is Vortico Harbinger and he is an adept. He was born with telekinetic powers and can also slow down or speed up time.
    He is 16 and has short brown black and brown eyes and he uses two Sig Sauer P226 pistols - his favourite trick is to slow down time when he needs to reload. He ejects the used magazine, then throws the pistols up in the air. He slows down time and then holds the full magazines up and the pistols land on the magazines.

    1. No offence Dragona, but how the hell is this kid fit to go to school? He uses fire arms for god's sake!

    2. Well he could hide his firearms for emergencies.

  6. I'd love to be in this :D My character is Flora Ophelia Dupin. She's nineteen, but you can make her a year or so younger if students can't be that age. Her power is that she can manipulate plants. She can summon herbs and berries to use for medicinal purposes, and can also create buildings out of wood she has summoned. Her power can also be used to grow trees for food.
    She can fight well with a bow and arrow, but also summons weapons. For example, she'll summon some wood and it'll grow into the shape of a club, which she can then use to fight with.
    Ooo, in terms of looks, she has long hair (which can be either blonde, very dark chocolate brown, or auburn - whatever you fancy). She has sharp green eyes and pale skin with freckles. She always wears pale, floaty dresses and walks around barefoot.

    Sorry I've gone on a bit :P I realised that I'd never really told you about my character :P

  7. hello, please could you include me. you already know my powers


    Um well Mara is a teleporter and a Lighter. A lighter is basically that you can summon light, like summoning flame, but the light can paralyse or kill. It depends on how much magic she can feed the ball of light. :)

    Idk what powers Harry has tbh XD
    Umm Harry is a teleporter too, because I can imagine that XD

    So, yeah (: thanks Rhy!

    1. And Mara's 18, and Harry's 19. *nods*

      Just to clarify :P

  9. 'Name- Eldritch Blaze

    Power- Hasnt reached surge, Elemntal, has wings and also knows how to shape-shift, in a sense :p

  10. Okay, Taia:
    So, her general field is manipulation of structures - changing a material's shape/form; alter size, but not drastically; moving them up surfaces and through air/water/similar - the materials don't go much further than metals and plastics, but Taia focuses on common metals primarily, because others have more confusing properties.
    The practice links with chemistry, so she tends to work better in that subject, to improve in magic, and because magic makes it easier to catch on to. :P

    In terms of appearance...
    She's somewhere between 16-17, having completed a mortal secondary school, before catching a place in the RCA, (if that fits okay with your story, but doesn't have to be set in stone or anything), but probably looks a year or so younger.
    She wears trousers, probably jeans of some form; a t-shirt (sometimes those are layered over each other), and usually sneakers/simple trainers, or boots if that's more suitable. Doesn't tend to wear a coat often, but jackets are acceptable. :P Not colour-specific, but tends to keep simple/plain/not-too-bright.
    Eyes unremarkably blue-grey in colour; hair dark-ish blonde; average build; a little above average in height, but not so much that it draws attention - thankfully.
    Quiet, for the most part, but attempts to offer help where she can, and will talk to the point of idiocy if around only a few people. :P

    That's probably it. Miscellaneous details include: Comfortable with animals/small things, but scared of dropping/breaking them. Can be both anxious and over-active - meaning general nervous actions, twitching, or floor-pacing. :P
    Can be persuaded to attend parties/events or to exercise, but isn't much good at either.
    Would like to work in healing/medicine, but still trains with sword, in case she /has/ to fight.
    That sword is formed by a piece of metal kept on her person always, in form of just about anything difficult to lose, which she'll easily manipulate into forms for other use. :3

    Sorry if that's a little jumbled up or confusing. There are other details, but I won't go too lengthy (if i didn't already - sorry:P) if you need anything else, or just clarifying something, don't hesitate to ask. :)

    Thanks for the opportunity. Have fun. :) ^^

  11. Oh, I'd love to be in this!!
    Well, my character is Mithria Faith, she's sixteen and she originally comes from Germany.
    She's an Elemental and she is quite good in that but she's still learning. Fighting isn't really her thing, which doesn't mean she's anxious.
    And I think that's it... if you have any questions, just e-mail me, ok?
